Welcome, it's great to have you here.

Navigating 365 is where I talk about my ideas, stories and thoughts relevant to my work as a Software Engineer.  In particular, I work with Dynamics 365 suite of products.

The purpose of my blog is to be able to share with you my experiences in this field, and contribute what I can towards our collective knowledge in the community. The Dynamics 365 community has given us a lot and I feel it important and give back to the community which has given us a lot, and to be able to contribute in any way I can.

When we write about our experiences, we not only can help people across the globe, but also reinforce our own knowledge. This blog also serves as a place where I store my notes on my learnings.

There’s a quote that’s often attributed to Albert Einstein which goes:

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.

Images are from Unsplash.